Burgess Civil at the YPO Scaling Your Business Event in New Orleans
The Burgess Civil leadership team recently had the privilege of attending the YPO Scaling Your Business event with renowned business strategist Verne Harnish in New Orleans. This transformative experience sharpened our focus on leadership and organizational excellence, fueling our drive to innovate and grow.
Our journey kicked off with a visit to another impressive YPO company, Think RNGD. Special thanks go out to Wesley Palmisano, Brett Ruppel, and Stephan Abadie for their warm hospitality and invaluable insights. This collaboration highlights why YPO is such a unique and powerful community, fostering learning and partnership among its members.
We also took time to finalize Burgess Civil’s 2025 budget and set even more ambitious revenue targets. With 2024 on track to surpass $70 million in revenue—a record for us—we have our sights set on breaking into nine-figure territory next year. Big milestones await!
Our stay at the historic Hotel Monteleone in the heart of the French Quarter gave this trip a memorable New Orleans flair. A notable highlight was the Only-in-YPO dinner at Antoine’s Restaurant, the oldest family-operated restaurant in the U.S., dating back to 1840. The Baked Alaska was a showstopper—quite literally on fire!
At the core of the YPO Scaling Your Business event were two intensive days with Verne Harnish and 20 other YPO-led companies. Key discussions centered on leadership development and refining organizational structures for maximum efficiency. One standout moment saw our team onstage as Verne’s “guinea pig,” practicing a live daily huddle—a revealing exercise that underscored the power of streamlined communication.
We returned with a robust reading list, fresh perspectives, and renewed motivation to further establish Burgess Civil as a best-in-class leader in the construction industry.
Looking ahead to 2025, we’re carrying this momentum forward with a clear theme: “Finish What We Started!” Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to push boundaries and break new ground in civil construction.
#BurgessCivil #YPO #Leadership #ScalingYourBusiness #ConstructionIndustry #GrowthGoals